Welcome, Spiritual Warriors!

I’m Eleonor Amora - 

Oracle, Indigo Icon, Shadow Worker, and Kick-ass Psychic.

I’m also the forefront coach for awakened Indigos.

I teach my clients and protégés how to achieve wealth, health, and sovereignty without depleting themselves or becoming a tasty snack for psychic predators.

Often the most illustrious amongst us are also extraordinarily “tapped in.” Many have heard of Indigos, those of us who were born to be spiritual warriors, incarnating at this time and place in order to make a significant impact on the fate of the planet. If you found yourself drawn to my work, chances are good that you’re an Indigo too.

But even the most spiritually tuned-in people can burn out from the stimulus of mundane reality. In fact, your spiritual gifts might mean that you need extra support to develop an advanced set of skills for managing your highly-unique energetic signature.

As an expert on revolutionary consciousness, I provide private coaching for a select handful of clients - those who know beyond a shadow of a doubt that they’re here to change the world, and those who can’t stand to spend another moment idly lighting candles and hoping that if they just focus on love and light, eventually change 

My coaching clients receive my deep insight into their auric field, psychic abilities, and reincarnation journey. I take the magnitude of their soul mission seriously, using my exclusive techniques to give them customized practices and accelerate their empowerment. 

If you truly desire to claim your personal power, break away from limiting structures and belief systems, free yourself from energetic parasites, become fiercely proficient at psychic martial arts, and learn to bend energy to create the life you’ve always wanted - I’m your girl.

If you’re ready to step into your sovereignty and power, schedule a consultation today! 


Work with Eleonor

I can help you!

I can help you in many different ways, through 1:1 sessions, private mentorship programs, or more. I can also help you achieve your dreams of becoming a published spiritual author! 

 Pick your favorite and we’ll take it from there! 
I have been practicing and receiving healing for 16 years. For as long as I can remember, I have had many "nightmares", with sleep paralysis.

 I have long understood that these are not ordinary nightmares and for many years I have not come across anyone like Eleonor, who could explain to me exactly what it was all about - energy attacks.

 Eleonor's knowledge, love and ability have literally saved my life. And helped me not only understand my own responsibility in it, but also provided me with the tools to protect myself and take responsibility for my energy field.

 For the first time in a long time, I feel hope, and someone who understands my soul's longing for home. I now go both coaching and programs with Eleonor Amora and can warmly recommend her, from the bottom of my heart. In many ways, it feels like this was the piece of the puzzle that was missing me to take another step towards my soul mission.

 As an indigo and an old soul, I am deeply grateful, and even though I'm not done yet, I know I'm finally on the right track. Thank you for everything Eleonor, it's an important and much needed work you do.

With love and gratitude

 Alexandra Solei - CEO

Contact Me

For media and speaking enquiries, please contact press@houseofsovereignty.com

It's hard to describe my individual VIP- days with Eleonor. I didn't know what to expect when I went there and I had not fully landed in everything I was involved with when I left home.

The days with Eleonor were life-changing and crucial. I gained in-depth knowledge of myself, my life backpack and how my body carries my old wounds and channels everything I've been through in life.

Eleonor has an incredible sharpness and picks up on what is important and crucial to being able to move on. Eleonor has the ability to see things you barely understood yourself and she does it in an instant.

I have the utmost respect for Eleonor's psychic capabilities. With warmth and clarity, Eleonor has helped me to a new level, both in my personal and professional life.

It's been almost a year since I was with Eleonor and pieces of the puzzle still fall into place. More and more, I understand how incredibly important the days with Eleonor have been. 


I just had Eleonor on my podcast and she was incredible! There were so many golden nuggets for those who are looking to manage and maintain their energy field, heighten their level of consciousness, and align with the source to help them achieve their dreams. Eleonor is clearly the master in her field and is serving the world in a big way. Thanks again Eleonor!! 


I interviewed Eleonor for my podcast. She is very professional and knowledgeable in many areas of psychic mediumship. Eleonor is driven to help others and make a difference in the world. Eleonor is a positive inspiration to others and especially women. She is a true healer and role model. I would recommend her teachings and written work to anyone.


A shoutout to real deal world changer and TRUE SOUL influencer, my friend and co-author.

She really understands that when a woman has been chosen to change the world she absolutely MUST take responsibility and position herself to REACH AND INFLUENCE MILLIONS with her message!!!

She writes books, speaks on podcasts, contributes her voice and doesn't shy away from aligned opportunities to reach and influence millions of people globally.

This is true commitment ladies and gentlemen...

Eleonor, I salute you! 


I had my first guidance with Eleonora a few days ago. Despite a globe between us, she was incredibly clear-sighted, not only on my situation in life but also on the needs of my body; everything from nutritional needs to energy balances and chakra blocks. She had an explanation for my hearing becoming worse, my lack of inner strength becoming weaker, and my love relationship which felt confusing.

I like to go to different healers and mentors and often find that they help, but the guidance with Eleonora was so in-depth, clear, intuitive and beyond what I have ever experienced before that it deserves to be commented upon.

A one-of-a-kind experience worth every penny. 


I have met many spiritual teachers but Eleonor stands out in the crowd. She is genuine, and a true inspirer on many levels. I'm just so glad that I chose this course and that I was privileged to have Eleonor as a teacher!


Eleonor is a joy to work with. She radiates warmth and kindness with a heart to not only serve but learn. I had her on my podcast and she shared a great deal of information on energy management and embracing your dreams. 


2022 Eleonor Amora Marklund – All Rights Reserved | Made with love by Business Bravery
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